Project Description

The Espadin project is a cutting-edge, mixed-use development in the Lower Highlands (LoHi) neighborhood of downtown Denver.

This project consisted of a five-story, above-ground, wood-framed structure built over a concrete podium. Additionally, the scope included two levels of below-grade parking. This building incorporates extensive sustainability measures all assisting in the project’s LEED Platinum certification, the highest of four levels of green building certification from Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The overall five-floor building program included enclosed parking, retail/commercial space, 46 condo units, amenity spaces and a variety of unique architectural features.

Denver, CO | Throughout CO
Construction Type
New Construction
Front Range
Delivery Method
Building Size
78,948 SF
28.0 Months
Urban Green Development, LLC
Building Type
Sprocket Design-Build, Inc.

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